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Green Organizations

The Environmental Center of San Diego works to protect and enhance the natural environment of San Diego through education, activism and direct action.

Throughout the region, there is a critical need for natural-systems restoration as well as representing environmental concerns to individuals, companies, and government funded organizations.

We provide educational tools, advocacy support, and direct-action resources to stand up for our region as a community along with the Earth overall.

The Green Party is a political party and a global movement. Our goal is to elect people to office and to implement electoral and social reform to reverse the immense role big corporations and money play in current world politics, and in particular in the US.

We are not just environmentalists! Our members are advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters, small business owners, disaffected Democrats, grassroots activists, students and regular citizens who've had enough of corporate-dominated politics.


Our mission at TreeFolks is to empower Central Texans to build stronger and greener communities by planting and caring for trees.

We’ve already engaged thousands of volunteers to plant more than 2.5 million trees in Central Texas, and we invite you to join us in creating a healthier environment and enhancing our quality of life.

TreeFolks engages thousands of volunteers and community groups to plant trees in public parks, preserves, and school yards.

Keep Austin Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, provides resources and education to help citizens build a more beautiful and earth-friendly Austin. We welcome hearing from anyone, or any group, who shares these interests.

We do ecological clean-ups and restoration, street and creek adoptions, beautification and recycling resources, and youth engagement and education.


Clean Lady Bird Lake - Volunteer every other month on Lady Bird Lake's shorelines and waterways to keep our lake clean.

The Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals (NWAEP) was founded in 1992 and became an official chapter of the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) in 2005.

We are a nonpolitical interdisciplinary organization made up of professionals in Washington and Oregon, and hold meetings and events in both Seattle and Portland.

Our members include a wide range of environmental professions: environmental management, planning, impact assessment, environmental protection, compliance, research, engineering, design, and education.

Habitat 2030 is a group of volunteers who care about the remarkable natural areas of the Chicago region.

We host habitat restoration workdays, nature hikes and weekend camping trips, social gatherings and educational opportunities.

On workdays, we remove invasive plants, gather and spread seeds, and learn about nature as we go.

Through our work, we link interested newbies to expert mentors to build a community where people of all skill levels can discuss local ecology, conservation and habitat-restoration issues.

Urban Rivers is a Chicago-based nonprofit, looking for donations and volunteers as we create a park on the east side of Goose Island in the Chicago River, along the banks of Whole Foods' Lincoln Park store.

As of June 2017, the park grew to 1,500 square feet, and we are now fundraising for an additional 25,000 square feet that will be installed in 2018.

Our larger goal is a mile-long park by 2020!

Vegan Life Colorado works to educate the public on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. We are nonsectarian and welcome everyone.

Our projects include social activities, participation in VegFest Colorado and in the Animal Action Network.

VEGFEST COLORADO is a 2 day fair that promotes a plant-based/vegan lifestyle and a supportive vegan community.

ANIMAL ACTION NETWORK is a Colorado organization that supports and promotes the humane and ethical treatment of animals by human beings.
