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About Us

Our world is in a fix.

We want to help you fix that fix... by making green living easier for you.

Steve's Weave is the first-ever Green Classifieds website. Here you can post ads about everything — and we mean everything — green:

* Promote green projects, events, actions, services, products, more
* Offer and find green jobs, green energy, green housing, green investment, green you-name-it
* Share ideas on supporting our lovely planet
* Support a nationwide community of green thinkers and do-ers

* And it's all free!


There's never been a place for the entire green community to get together — Steve's Weave provides that place. Helping you do what you want to do, and find what you want to find, by listing them in one locale.

And more. We remind you that you're part of a magnificent green community. Confirm that your green efforts truly make a difference.



Note from Steve: It's long been my dream to build America's green gathering spot. To facilitate the connections and synergies necessary to further our green progress, to fight our green battles. Because we really must do this together.

In other words... Real good to see you here.


After several years of development, we launched our Weave in beautiful Boston, and have since set up shop in six other cities. Sure, there have been setbacks — lots — but the Earth inspired us to soldier on. The goal is a site that's simple, efficient and effective.

But, absolutely, things can be made better. Which means: Your ideas are welcome. Seriously welcome. Please send them our way, via our Contact form.

Thank you! And thanks for being eco-conscious.

Green greetings,