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Green Organizations

Young Evangelicals for Climate Action

We are coming together & taking action to overcome the climate crisis as part of our Christian discipleship & witness. Principal actions:

Mobilizing our generation of evangelicals

to act and advocate together. We are building a movement of young evangelicals to overcome the adverse impacts of climate change and pursue sustainable lives that reduce our own carbon impact.

At Ecology Action, our mission is to create a healthier environment in central Texas through resource recovery operations, brownfield remediation, and zero waste initiatives. You can visit our experiment in recycling contaminated and wasted land at Circle Acres.


Circle Acres is Ecology Action's first experiment in recycling contaminated and wasted land into an ecological safe haven and a community resource.

Audubon Society of Portland

Audubon Society of Portland promotes the understanding, enjoyment, and protection of native birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.

Our Work:
Conservation: We use conservation methods to protect imperiled species, reduce threats to birds across the Oregon landscape and preserve high-priority habitat. We also work to ensure all Portland-area residents have access to nature.

The Green Sports Alliance leverages the cultural and market influence of sports to promote healthy, sustainable communities where people live and play.

The Alliance inspires professional sports leagues, college conferences, sports governing bodies, colleges, teams, venues, their partners and millions of fans to embrace renewable energy, healthy food, recycling, water efficiency, safer chemicals and other environmentally preferable practices. Alliance members represent nearly 500 sports teams and venues from 15 sports leagues in 14 countries.

The Massachusetts Climate Action Network (MCAN), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, fights the climate crisis one town at a time, with the help of local MCAN chapters – and you!

MCAN works collaboratively with our many chapters and other organizations to change and strengthen global warming policies in Massachusetts. And we send an electronic newsletter to thousands of members across the commonwealth.

Elected Officials to Protect America

Elected Officials to Protect America is a network of over a thousand state and local elected officials from all 50 states committed to solving the climate crisis while protecting our communities, public health, and environment.

We connect and organize lawmakers to support policies that protect public health, the environment and grow clean energy jobs, while empowering courageous leadership on climate change.

Help Us Protect the Forest Preserves!

In recent history, the forest preserves of Cook County have encountered a great deal of abuse and neglect: Invasive brush turned thousands of acres into impassible thorn thickets, preserve land was sold, and trash littered the landscape.

Friends of the Forest Preserves was founded in 1998 by a small group of concerned citizens. We are now a force of thousands of committed volunteers and members.

The Gaia Movement USA - Chicago chapter

Our mission is to create awareness about the plight of the environment, to educate the public about caring for our planet, humanity and the environment, to run recycling operations and to support environmental projects and programs locally and globally.

Some of our projects:

Collecting Used Clothes and Shoes
Through our green drop off bins we provide a convenient way for people in local communities to drop their unwanted clothes and other items.

Mother Nature Network

Mother Nature Network is the world's most visited online network for news and information related to the environment and responsible living. We carry stories from sites that generate more than 10 million sessions per month from more than 200 countries.

We're designed for people who want to make the world a better place. Our content is engaging, non-political, and easy-to-understand and goes well beyond traditional "green" issues — encompassing topics that include family, health, home, travel, food and community involvement.
