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Green Organizations

Working from nonviolent and democratic principles, NEIS is determined to end nuclear power in Illinois, in the Great Lakes Bioregion, and on Planet Earth. We offer education, internships, volunteer work, advocacy, grass roots organizing, trained speakers, membership, and a resource library.


-the opportunity for individuals and organizations to become actively involved through volunteer work and non-paying internships or work-study programs for students.

Miami Waterkeeper’s mission is to defend, protect, and preserve South Florida’s watershed through citizen engagement and community action rooted in sound science and research. We work to ensure swimmable, drinkable, fishable water for all.

Our scope of work is diverse, with core issues including clean water, ecosystem protection, and resiliency. Serving our population of more than 4.5 million people across Miami-Dade and Broward counties, Miami Waterkeeper’s approach combines education and outreach, scientific research, advocacy, and when necessary, legal action.

The Urban Environment League of Greater Miami is an advocacy organization that supports environmentally responsible development and smart growth. We work to protect the public waterfront, public spaces, historic and natural areas in Miami-Dade county.

We seek more recognizable and protected greenways, water access, pedestrian friendly parks, improved historic neighborhoods and landmarks. We strive for our communities to have unique neighborhoods with South Florida-sensitive architecture and quality housing, affordable to all.

Green Corps, located in Denver, CO, is the country’s most respected training program for environmental organizers. If you’re passionate about the environment and ready to learn and practice the craft of organizing, our year-long program is the best place to start.

Our program includes intensive classroom training with prominent guest trainers like Bill McKibben, founder of, and Jane Kleeb of Bold Nebraska, a leader in the fight against the Keystone XL pipeline.

The Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education (CAEE) works to ensure that everyone in Colorado has an opportunity to learn about our environment. Our programs include certification for environmental educators, natural resource career guidance, an environmental education advisory council, an annual conference for environmental education, and more.

San Diego Green New Deal Alliance

We need a San Diego Green New Deal!

Our region is not on track to meet climate targets that represent the minimum action needed to secure a safe and livable future.

Recent climate science reports, including the landmark United Nations IPCC Report, say we need to go beyond what local and state laws commit us to — we need a plan to reach net-zero emissions.

The Green Party is a political party and a global movement. Our goal is to elect people to office and to implement electoral and social reform to reverse the immense role big corporations and money play in current world politics, and in particular in the US.

We are not just environmentalists! Our members are advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters, small business owners, disaffected Democrats, grassroots activists, students and regular citizens who've had enough of corporate-dominated politics.

Keep Austin Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, provides resources and education to help citizens build a more beautiful and earth-friendly Austin. We welcome hearing from anyone, or any group, who shares these interests.

We do ecological clean-ups and restoration, street and creek adoptions, beautification and recycling resources, and youth engagement and education.


Clean Lady Bird Lake - Volunteer every other month on Lady Bird Lake's shorelines and waterways to keep our lake clean.

Travis Audubon is an independent chapter of the National Audubon Society that protects native habitats for birds and other wildlife in Central Texas. In addition to the enjoyment of birds in nature, we are committed to Land Conservation, Habitat Restoration and Management, Environmental Education and Conservation Advocacy.


Travis Audubon was founded in 1952 by visionary Central Texans who recognized the vital connection between conserving wildlife habitat and the ecological balance necessary for sustainable and habitable communities.

Wisdom of the Elders records and preserves traditional cultural values, oral history, prophesy and other messages of guidance from indigenous elders in order to regenerate the greatness of culture among today’s and future generations of native peoples.

As First Peoples, we are humbled by the wisdom of our elders and the deep connection they share with Great Spirit, the world of nature and family.
