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Green Organizations

The Florida Conservation Coalition

The Florida Conservation Coalition is a coalition of over 80 conservation-minded organizations and over two thousand individuals devoted to protecting and conserving Florida’s land, fish and wildlife, and water resources. The FCC builds consensus on key environmental policy issues so that the conservation community can speak with one voice.

Our free online Daily News Brief provides the most relevant environmental news and opinion pieces to keep Florida's citizens and decision-makers well-informed about our state's most pressing environmental issues.

Climate Action Business Association is a membership-based organization in Boston that helps businesses take targeted action on climate change.

We provide our member businesses with the resources and tools needed to work on sustainability efforts, political advocacy and building a community of shared values.

Our Mission
To help solve the climate crisis by organizing local business leaders to be more effective advocates for climate action within our businesses and communities, as well as at the state, national, and even international levels.

Miami Is Not Plastic is an initiative for businesses and individuals to reduce Single Use Disposable Plastic, unclog our ocean and save the marine life. We host clean-ups and other events, and partner with several organizations in our quest to protect the environment.

We strive to transform communities through education, awareness and responsible practices. Our goal is to inspire local business in the hospitality, parks and marina sector in the Miami area to adopt alternative options to single use disposable plastic.

Green Education Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides educators with learning models that connect science, technology, and math education with the broader human concerns of environmental, economic, and social systems.

GEF provides curriculum and resources to K-12 students and teachers worldwide with the goal of challenging them to think holistically and critically about global environmental concerns and solutions.

The Foundation for a Green Future

The Foundation for a Green Future, Inc. is a multicultural 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing opportunities to neighborhoods and communities to build an environmentally-friendly world by bringing nature into our urban spaces and our lives.

Throughout the year, the Foundation runs a series of educational programs focused on greening our urban spaces through the arts, film, forums/speakers, festivals, gardening, and green infrastructure. We promote sustainable business practices, recycling, composting, and water solutions.

At Toxics Action Center, we believe everyone has the right to clean air and clean water, that our communities should be sustainable and that our government should operate responsively and democratically.

Our children should be able to grow up free of exposure to dangerous chemicals and with every opportunity to thrive.

Yet too often, these fundamental rights are ignored or bypassed, endangering the health of both people and the environment.
