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Green Organizations

The Miami Climate Alliance

The Miami Climate Alliance is a coalition of organizations and individuals working to prioritize climate justice in South Florida. We work for equity and resilience by activating our community through strategic action, increasing understanding of climate change and sea level rise as threats to all forms of justice, and building urgency around community well-being.

Eco-Justice Ministries is a Denver-based ecumenical agency that helps churches answer the call to care for all of God's creation. Our mission is to develop ministries that are faithful, relevant and effective in working toward social justice and environmental sustainability.


* We help churches select and develop effective plans to start going green.

* We help churches communicate with their congregations about the importance of going green.

* We provide theological and scientific insights that lead to changes in values and worldviews.

Environmental Health Coalition is a San Diego/Tijuana non-profit social and environmental justice organization dedicated to empowering people, organizing communities, and achieving justice for low-income communities of color.

We believe that justice is accomplished by empowered communities acting together to make social change. We organize and advocate to protect public health and the environment threatened by toxic pollution.

350 Austin is a local, grassroots organization committed to the goals and strategies of keeping carbon in the ground, building a new, more equitable low-carbon economy, and pressuring our government into limiting emissions.

350 Austin is uniquely positioned to influence the direction of climate change action because we're in the capital of Texas, a state with a long history with the fossil fuel industry.


SHADES OF GREEN is a live, one-hour Austin talk radio show that features issues and guests related to sustainability and the environment. Our topics include climate change, zero waste, organic gardening, conservation, efficiency, energy policy, environmental wellbeing and more.

We’re here to provide information, inspiration and practical ways to get involved in fun, informal "Austin-style."

Listen Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. on 91.7 FM, streamed live on, or download podcasts on our website.

Sustainable Northwest believes a healthy economy, environment, and community are indivisible, and that all are strengthened by wise partnerships, policies, and investments.

We work at the radical middle of economy, environment, and community. Successfully bringing local interests together to pioneer balanced community-driven solutions in the face of change and conflict requires extraordinary patience, grit, and commitment.

Our Programs

Oregon Wild

Oregon Wild works to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife and waters as an enduring legacy for all Oregonians.

Founded in 1974, Oregon Wild (formerly the Oregon Natural Resources Council or ONRC) has been instrumental in securing permanent legislative protection for some of Oregon's most precious landscapes, including nearly 1.7 million acres of Wilderness, 95,000 acres of forests in Bull Run/Little Sandy watersheds (to safeguard the quality of Portland's water supply) and almost 1,800 miles of Wild & Scenic Rivers.

League of Conservation Voters works to turn environmental values into national, state and local priorities.

LCV, in collaboration with our state LCV partners, advocates for sound environmental laws and policies, holds elected officials accountable for their votes and actions, and elects pro-environment candidates who will champion our priority issues.

Please become part of our action and mission.
