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Sustainable Northwest: natural resource solutions for people and nature

Sustainable Northwest believes a healthy economy, environment, and community are indivisible, and that all are strengthened by wise partnerships, policies, and investments.

We work at the radical middle of economy, environment, and community. Successfully bringing local interests together to pioneer balanced community-driven solutions in the face of change and conflict requires extraordinary patience, grit, and commitment.

Our Programs

Forest - Growing a restoration economy
Energy - Building a clean energy economy
Water - Ensuring enough water for wildlife and people
Rangelands - Restoring rangelands for people and wildlife
FSC Group Certification - Streamlined affordable FSC certification for wood products businesses
Sustainable Northwest Wood - Your source for local, sustainable wood products

We bring people, ideas, and innovation together so nature, local economies, and rural communities can thrive.

Sustainable Northwest
812 SW Washington Street, Suite 700
Portland, Oregon 97205
(503) 221-6911

multnomah co