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The Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts

Green parties recognize four fundamental pillars which support our key values: Ecological Wisdom, Democratic Governance, Social Justice, and Non-Violence.

Ecological Wisdom - understanding that humans are part of nature, not separate from nature, and are limited by the resources of our communities and the planet--that everything is inter-connnected.

Grassroots Democracy - managing our common affairs with the participation of all in the community in accordance with the nature of each, while working to assure the effectiveness of our institutions and to build the capacity of each person to play appropriate roles in the community.

Social Justice and Equal Opportunity - working for a society in which all persons, regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, religion, or physical or mental ability, will have the opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.

Non-violence - promoting non-violent methods to oppose policies and practices with which we disagree and seeking to eliminate weapons and behaviors which can cause destruction of life on Earth.

The Green-Rainbow Party is the MA affiliate of the Green Party of the United States (MA political designation "J"). It was founded in 2002 through the union of the Massachusetts Green Party and the Rainbow Coalition Party.

Join us!

232 Highland Ave, Arlington, MA 02476
(413) 650-6542
