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State / National Organizations


Young Evangelicals for Climate Action

We are coming together & taking action to overcome the climate crisis as part of our Christian discipleship & witness. Principal actions:

Mobilizing our generation of evangelicals

to act and advocate together. We are building a movement of young evangelicals to overcome the adverse impacts of climate change and pursue sustainable lives that reduce our own carbon impact.

The Texas Campaign for the Environment is a non-profit organization that empowers Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots campaigns that successfully shift corporate and governmental policy.

Our small but mighty group of activists, currently based in Austin, Houston and D/FW, pounds the pavement, rain or shine, year-round, to knock on doors and make contact with folks about public health and environmental issues.

Together, we have accomplished many important environmental victories over the years, such as:

Elected Officials to Protect America

Elected Officials to Protect America is a network of over a thousand state and local elected officials from all 50 states committed to solving the climate crisis while protecting our communities, public health, and environment.

We connect and organize lawmakers to support policies that protect public health, the environment and grow clean energy jobs, while empowering courageous leadership on climate change.

Mother Nature Network

Mother Nature Network is the world's most visited online network for news and information related to the environment and responsible living. We carry stories from sites that generate more than 10 million sessions per month from more than 200 countries.

We're designed for people who want to make the world a better place. Our content is engaging, non-political, and easy-to-understand and goes well beyond traditional "green" issues — encompassing topics that include family, health, home, travel, food and community involvement.

The Florida Conservation Coalition

The Florida Conservation Coalition is a coalition of over 80 conservation-minded organizations and over two thousand individuals devoted to protecting and conserving Florida’s land, fish and wildlife, and water resources. The FCC builds consensus on key environmental policy issues so that the conservation community can speak with one voice.

Our free online Daily News Brief provides the most relevant environmental news and opinion pieces to keep Florida's citizens and decision-makers well-informed about our state's most pressing environmental issues.

As respected professionals, doctors and nurses have a crucial part to play in raising awareness about the health and healthcare implications of climate change. To facilitate the medical community's efforts, The Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health brings together associations representing some 500,000 clinical practictioners to carry three messages:

The Society of Environmental Journalists is the only North American membership association of professional journalists dedicated to more and better coverage of environment-related issues.

SEJ’s mission is to strengthen the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media to advance public understanding of environmental issues.

Today, SEJ's membership includes more than 1,400 journalists and academics working in every type of news media in the United States, Canada, Mexico and 43 other countries.

The stakeholders of The Colorado Center for Renewable Energy Economic Development (CREED) act as a hub of knowledge for the clean tech ecosystem and provide support for market emerging clean technologies. Our support includes classes, workspaces, networking opportunities, and more.

If you are a clean or energy efficiency innovator or entrepreneur, visit our site and contact us to utilize the resources we offer:
