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The Environmental Center of San Diego: Education, Advocacy, Direct Action

The Environmental Center of San Diego works to protect and enhance the natural environment of San Diego through education, activism and direct action.

Throughout the region, there is a critical need for natural-systems restoration as well as representing environmental concerns to individuals, companies, and government funded organizations.

We provide educational tools, advocacy support, and direct-action resources to stand up for our region as a community along with the Earth overall.

One of the major ways we create an impact is through unifying community projects. Current projects include:
--Save Our Special Species Education Program
--Re-Wild Mission Bay
--Sponsoring the long-awaited Princess Street Coastal Access Trail

We have several volunteering opportunities across San Diego, from beach cleanups to habitat restoration, that will officially welcome you into our ecological community.

Whether you are learning, supporting, or working with us, joining our mission will make an impact.

We'd love to hear from you!

(805) 835-1833

san diego