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EarthLinks: helping the homeless & the planet via earth-friendly training and sales

EarthLinks is an innovative nonprofit in Denver that provides work programs for people who are homeless and low-income to learn new skills and create Earth-friendly products. Please support our program by visiting our online shop or volunteering.

We provide many opportunities to those in need, including gardening and eco-friendly production workshops, day trips into nature for the homeless, and writing and housing workshops.

Gardening and production workshop participants learn to grow food and flowers, perform beekeeping, maintain our worm farm, and create Earth-friendly products, including soap and lotion bars, cards, vases, gourd jewelry, mason bee boxes, and more.

Proceeds from the sales of our Earth-friendly products help to financially support our program:


EarthLinks relies on the love and support of our volunteers. Together, we care for each other and for the Earth.

Contact us today to get involved.

2746 W 13th Avenue
Denver, CO 80204
