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OPAL stands for Organizing People and Activating Leaders. Our mission is building power for Environmental Justice and Civil Rights in our communities of the Portland region.

Environmental justice addresses how people experience the lived environment. Some areas are safe and healthy, while other areas are not. Not everyone has equal access to clean air, soil and water.

Governments will respond to the will of the people provided we tell them what we want. And what we want is a livable world.

This is what Citizens’ Climate Lobby works for. To empower citizens to connect with and influence their members of Congress. To spread the idea that each one of us can address climate change.

Working together we can make this happen.

By building constructive, working relationships with members of Congress we seek passage of Carbon Fee and Dividend, a climate change solution that bridges the partisan divide.

The Miami-Dade Green Party, with its key values and national platform as guides, seeks to bring the hope and practice of local participatory democracy to our communities. We do this through information and education campaigns on issues of local concern, by working with local groups of citizen activists, and by running informed, honest and ethical candidates for local office.

Alliance for the Great Lakes leads the way, making sure the health of the lakes is a priority when policy-makers are writing new laws and enforcing current ones. We anticipate future threats to the Great Lakes and develop solutions to make sure the health of the lakes is not put in danger.

We need your help.

Your voice, when combined with thousands of advocates around the lakes, can make a difference! See our active alerts and take action.

Great Lakes Action Center:

Boston Park Advocates

Welcome to the place where parks and politics meet!

The Boston Park Advocates is a network of park champions from across the city working to elevate the status of open space among candidates and policy makers.

Are you involved in a park-connected group? Little league, community garden, tennis, outdoor arts, CDC, crime watch, ultimate frisbee, youth, bike, fitness, and park friends groups sponsor the campaign to improve Boston’s parks and open spaces.

Green America is a national, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, membership organization founded in 1982. Our mission is to harness economic power—the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society.

What Makes Green America Unique
