Miami-Dade Green Party, Putting People, Planet and Peace First
The Miami-Dade Green Party, with its key values and national platform as guides, seeks to bring the hope and practice of local participatory democracy to our communities. We do this through information and education campaigns on issues of local concern, by working with local groups of citizen activists, and by running informed, honest and ethical candidates for local office.
We welcome you to participate in our activities and efforts. Our goal is to maintain a group of local concerned citizens and activists to inform the Miami-Dade community of Green perspectives on many issues, to seek and support candidates, and to work with other social justice and environmental groups.
Join a growing party and movement. There are Green Parties in over 100 countries and over 100 Green elected officials in the United States! That is the antidote to the destructive corporate globalization model that undervalues People and Life while seeking personal gain and near-absolute control for a few.
Usually meetings are held on 2nd Sundays 3-5pm at Wynwood Yard at 56 NW 29th St, Miami, FL 33127. Best to check on Facebook at our Miami-Dade Green Party page to confirm.
Voicemail: 786.529.4735
Steve Showen – email:
Cathy Gilbert