The Environmental Voter Project: We get greens to vote!
The Environmental Voter Project (EVP) works to get inactive environmentalists to vote.
Polls show that tens of millions of Americans strongly prioritize progressive environmental policies – but, in large numbers, these people do not express this priority at the ballot box.
We use state-of-the-art social-network incentives, big-data analytics, predictive modeling, and voter-mobilization tools to find inactive environmentalists and inspire them to vote - regularly and consistently.
EVP is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization. We do not endorse candidates or tell people how to vote. EVP has a much bigger goal: rather than influencing individual elections, EVP aims to fundamentally change the electorate so that policy makers must respond accordingly.
By identifying, engaging, registering and mobilizing environmental voters, we're working towards a tipping point of overwhelming demand for progressive environmental policies.
Please join us!
Contact page:
Environmental Voter Project
38 Monument Ave
Boston, MA 02129