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Green Action


League of Conservation Voters works to turn environmental values into national, state and local priorities.

LCV, in collaboration with our state LCV partners, advocates for sound environmental laws and policies, holds elected officials accountable for their votes and actions, and elects pro-environment candidates who will champion our priority issues.

Please become part of our action and mission.

The Nature Conservancy, Oregon

The Nature Conservancy’s mission is to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends, and for nearly 60 years, we’ve been working in Oregon to do just that.

Our Priorities in Oregon:

Oceans - We’re working with fishermen, farmers and conservation partners to build a brighter future for the Oregon Coast and its communities.

Forests - We’re bringing diverse stakeholders together to protect and restore our forests and the communities around them.

The Oregon Sierra Club

The Oregon Sierra Club is a non-profit member-supported, public interest organization that promotes conservation of the Oregon natural environment by influencing public policy decisions—legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral.

Named “the most influential environmental organization” in an Aspen Institute poll, the Sierra Club gives the public the information and the means to make their voices heard.

BeCause Water is a movement for water sustainability, and our mission is to connect people to the power of water.

The focus is replacing unnecessary bottled water consumption by increasing awareness, access and engagement of local, clean drinking water. We connect people to water and one another through events, media, fundraising, and other solutions, as well as connecting businesses and consumers to innovative solutions for water sustainability.

Policies enacted at the local, state and national levels shape the future of solar energy, and so we at Solar CitiSuns provide opportunities for citizens to make their voices heard at the Public Utilities Commission, in the state legislature, in local governments and in other venues. We raise our voices together to support solar energy because it emits no harmful air pollution and is a key tool to avoid catastrophic climate change.

Audubon Society of Portland

Audubon Society of Portland promotes the understanding, enjoyment, and protection of native birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.

Our Work:
Conservation: We use conservation methods to protect imperiled species, reduce threats to birds across the Oregon landscape and preserve high-priority habitat. We also work to ensure all Portland-area residents have access to nature.

Columbia Riverkeeper

Columbia Riverkeeper’s mission is to protect and restore the water quality of the Columbia River and all life connected to it, from the headwaters to the Pacific Ocean.

Representing over 8,000 members and supporters, Columbia Riverkeeper works to restore a Columbia River where people can safely eat the fish they catch, and where children can swim without fear of toxic exposure.

The organization is a member of Waterkeeper Alliance, the world’s fastest growing environmental movement, uniting more than 200 Waterkeeper organizations worldwide.

The Florida Conservation Coalition

The Florida Conservation Coalition is a coalition of over 80 conservation-minded organizations and over two thousand individuals devoted to protecting and conserving Florida’s land, fish and wildlife, and water resources. The FCC builds consensus on key environmental policy issues so that the conservation community can speak with one voice.

Our free online Daily News Brief provides the most relevant environmental news and opinion pieces to keep Florida's citizens and decision-makers well-informed about our state's most pressing environmental issues.
