The Green Microgym - where members' energy powers the building!
The most unique thing about The Green Microgym is that the actual energy of the members helps power the building.
We're equipped with retrofitted ellipticals and spin bikes that convert your energy to electricity and “plug out” into the building.
As far as we know, we're the world’s first and only gym with the goal of generating as much electricity as we consume!
So the energy bar one member just ate powers the ceiling fan for the next three hours. Another member’s morning scramble is doing its part to keep the lights on. Every revolution on the elliptical is churning pure electricity back to the grid. Calories are converted into precious watts.
You power your gym. Friends and neighbors, sweating it out together, all in the name of feeling good, about themselves, about their community, about their gym and about the world.
Month to membership with no long term commitment or cancellation fees.
The Green Microgym: Big results. Small footprint.
The Green Microgym - Belmont
828 SE 34th Avenue, Suite B
Portland, OR 97214
Open 5am-11pm, seven days a week.