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Waste free 23 university

10,000+ homes and businesses now have zero waste in Nairobi. This was accomplished by the waste collectors who implemented recycling for ALL household trash

Waste free 23 is a volunteer organization that is reaching out to communities and businesses world wide to show everyone how to be waste free and educate and empower so it can be implemented worldwide!:)

The courses are online at

We show how every community can use their food waste plastic waste and more at a rate of tonnes a day to make products that are needed

When implemented there is no more burning dumping or long distance transport of waste

Can you help make the world waste free?

Can you start recycling all waste in your community ?

Are you connected with communities world wide? Africa Asia Americas? We are empowering waste collectors worldwide to not just collect waste but recycle it

Can you help with education online? Or promotion?

Please let us know at or Facebook.

Thank you !
