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A Mindful Life Together - intentional community in San Diego

We are San Diego’s intentional community around mindful living.

How beautiful this long life can be in warmth, collaboration and support of one another even with its hardships.

A modern-day sanga for a mindful life -- fostering intentional living community through good times with like minded people, through mindfulness practices and inspiring karmic action. From children to elder- to the working age- exchanges in collaborations and consistent connections with all lend to the best life “inter-being” with one another.

Our activities and actions will center on:
- social / active get together and outings in the building of intentional community, exploring San Diego’s diverse outdoors and local excellent business offerings
- sharing of skills, knowledge, practices, resources
- welcoming space for bartering of resources and services
- networking - work / business
- practical discussions around sharing knowledge and experiences
- mindfulness meditation practices in the science, vipassina and thich nhat hanh traditions
- civic/social/environmental justice actions and volunteering opportunities
- aim towards intentional housing possibilities
- exploring and sharing ideas around healthy and self sustainable living (growing foods etc)
- embracing authentic cultures and foods

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city of san diego