Solar training from GRID Alternatives
GRID Alternatives brings solar energy to low-income families who couldn’t otherwise afford it while training the green workforce of tomorrow.
We offer multiple levels of workforce development and service-learning opportunities, from volunteerism to in-depth solar training and paid internships.
The nation’s largest nonprofit solar installer, GRID serves families throughout California, Colorado, the Mid-Atlantic region, and tribal communities nationwide.
Our Energy For All Program offers single-family, multifamily and community solar installation services, project development and technical assistance.
GRID Alternatives' vision is a transition to clean, renewable energy that includes everyone. Our mission is to make renewable energy technology and job training accessible to underserved communities.
Be a part of the clean energy transition - become a client, volunteer or make a donation today!
930 Gateway Center Way
San Diego, CA 92102
(619) 239-GRID (4743)