The Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education
The Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education (CAEE) works to ensure that everyone in Colorado has an opportunity to learn about our environment. Our programs include certification for environmental educators, natural resource career guidance, an environmental education advisory council, an annual conference for environmental education, and more.
By providing environmental education support and resources that are balanced, objective, and technically accurate, we make sure students and others have an opportunity to evaluate choices, form opinions, make informed decisions, and participate responsibly in our planet’s future.
Our members include teachers, students, nonformal educators, public agency employees, businesses, retirees, and many more. We all have a role in helping Coloradans become informed decision makers about the environment.
Please join us - all are welcome!
* CAEE is proud to serve as the Colorado affiliate of the North America Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE). *
1536 Wynkoop St, Suite 314
Denver, CO 80202