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Denver Water offers homes & businesses rebates & tips to help conserve water

Creating a culture of conservation in Denver dates back to 1936, when Denver Water advertised on street trolleys asking customers to help save water. The modes of transportation have changed, but the message remains the same, as does our commitment to helping customers use this precious resource wisely with tips on our website and rebates.

We want to help you improve your property — and save water — by picking up part of the tab for higher-efficiency models. Visit this link for a list of residential rebates to help you with higher-efficiency water systems:

We also offer commercial and multifamily properties programs and incentives to become maximally water efficient:

Established in 1918, the utility is a public agency funded by water rates and new tap fees, not taxes. It is Colorado’s oldest and largest water utility.

1600 West 12th Ave.
Denver, CO 80204
