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The Urban Farming Institute (Mattapan, MA)

UFI’s mission is to develop and promote urban farming to engage individuals in growing food and building a healthy community.

Founded in 2012, we develop and promote urban farming as a commercial sector that creates green collar jobs for residents in Boston and other urban areas of Massachusetts. We also engage urban communities in building a healthier and more locally based food system.
Our goals include:
Train residents from Massachusetts’ urban areas to become successful urban farmers;
Acquire and prepare land for farming;
Educate community, city and state stakeholders in support of appropriate policy changes in regards to land use and urban farming practices.

In 2013, the Urban Farming Institute (UFI) launched Boston’s first Urban Farmer Training Program. This offers local residents the opportunity to engage in direct, hands-on learning on small ¼ acre plots of lots that the UFI’s farm currently occupies.

The Urban Farming Institute
487 Norfolk Street
Mattapan, MA 02126

Tel: (617) 989-9920
Fax: (857) 267-4858

