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Christie Organic Consultants: "Bringing health & sustainability to the world’s table"

From the time a seed goes into the ground until the time it blooms and is harvested, processed, packed, shipped and sold in retail stores, Christie Organic Consultants will be there every step of the way to ensure that your Organic System Plans and methods are in compliance with the USDA National Organic Program (NOP), as well as many international standards such as Canada, the EU, Japan and Switzerland.

Do you need guidance in the setup and/or management of your organic program? Are you growing, processing, handling, packing/co-packing, shipping or selling organic products? Or do you perhaps need assistance with responses to difficult review letters you have received? Do you have notices of suspension, appeals, mediations, or settlements pending? For these or any other needs within the organic industry, you have come to the right place!

Christie Organic Consultants
1119 S. Mission Rd. #245
Fallbrook, CA 92028

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