GreenerU - helping colleges and universities go green!
Founded in 2009, GreenerU believes colleges and universities are uniquely positioned to lead the world in mitigating climate change and accelerating sustainability. Our mission is to help them.
We work with educational institutions to engineer sustainable solutions to energy and engagement challenges, in order to realize cost savings, achieve energy-reduction goals, and address deferred maintenance.
Our unique approach integrates building-system improvements with behavioral programs, customized for each campus.
Some of what we do:
We Improve Energy Systems
*Energy efficiency engineering
*Controls upgrades & maintenance
*Measurement & verification
We Engage Building Occupants
*Behavioral program design & implementation
*Strategic Planning
*Stakeholder facilitation & engagement
*Communications & marketing
Please let us know what we can do for U!
480 Pleasant Street
Suite C300
Watertown, MA 02472