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PODER fights for the environment & social justice in East Texas

Poder (People Organizing in Defense of the Earth and her Resources) brings East Texas communities of color together for decision-making and influence on pollution issues and economic development in our neighborhoods.


As we look into our own backyard, we see a power plant, fuel storage tank farms, refineries, lumber companies, and most recently, high tech industries which emit their pollutants into the air we breath and the water we drink. That's why we're uniting to stand up for justice, our health, and our environment.


LAND USE COMMUNITY HEALTH ACTION: We raise awareness about environmental impacts associated with industries located and seeking to locate in East Austin.

OAK SPRINGS WATER QUALITY & PRESERVE PROJECT: PODER, community groups, and the City of Austin have saved 6 acres of green space and a natural freshwater spring in East Austin.

TANK FARM REMOVAL: East Austin residents have lived next to several bulk fuel storage tank facilities that devastated the land and our community. Through community organizing, the Tank Farm relocated and the companies agreed to remediation.

ADDRESSING GENTRIFICATION: We’re working on housing and keeping what’s left of our communities.


PODER has many other successes and projects, and is always looking for activists and volunteers!

1029 Clair St.
Dallas, TX 75207
