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Green Action


Our Mission: Empowering MA residents, government, and business leaders to keep our communities clean and beautiful.

We believe that litter, illegal dumpsites, graffiti, and vacant lots not only hurt property values and discourage economic development, but they also reduce a community’s collective self-esteem. Litter begets litter and blight begets blight.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Residents can take ownership of the appearance of their communities. That’s where Keep Massachusetts Beautiful can help.

The Texas Campaign for the Environment is a non-profit organization that empowers Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots campaigns that successfully shift corporate and governmental policy.

Our small but mighty group of activists, currently based in Austin, Houston and D/FW, pounds the pavement, rain or shine, year-round, to knock on doors and make contact with folks about public health and environmental issues.

Together, we have accomplished many important environmental victories over the years, such as:

The Wetlands Conservancy

The Wetlands Conservancy (TWC) is the only organization in Oregon dedicated to promoting community and private partnerships to permanently protect and conserve Oregon’s greatest wetlands – our most biologically rich and diverse lands.

For more than 30 years, The Wetlands Conservancy has educated and assisted landowners, neighborhood groups, land trusts, and watershed councils on local stewardship to support fish and wildlife, clean water, open space and people’s appreciation of nature.

Openlands protects the natural and open spaces of northeastern Illinois and the surrounding region to ensure cleaner air and water, guard natural habitats and wildlife, and help balance and enrich our lives.

Our activities include helping communities become greener, advocating for open spaces, strengthening access to local foods, restoring native landscapes, using nature to unite communities and expanding our urban forest.

Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust holds agricultural land in and near Portland for purposes of research and education on sustainable agriculture.

OSALT acts as an umbrella organization that provides land, management processes and non-profit status to local communities for sustainable food production through gardening, farming, research and education.

We now hold seven pieces of land in trust. Some are farms outside the city of Portland; some are community gardens in the city.

League of Conservation Voters works to turn environmental values into national, state and local priorities.

LCV, in collaboration with our state LCV partners, advocates for sound environmental laws and policies, holds elected officials accountable for their votes and actions, and elects pro-environment candidates who will champion our priority issues.

Please become part of our action and mission.

Pelican Harbor Seabird Station is a wildlife rehabilitation facility, where we rescue and rehabilitate injured or orphaned animals and birds and return them to their ecosystem.

Since our inception, over 30,000 "patients" (animals and birds) and 300 species of birds have been treated. We provide a variety of services to our community. Many of our programs include rescue, rehabilitation, and release, adopt-a-bird and donation options, educational classes for the public, institutional research, and guided waterfront tours for all ages.

Oregon Natural Desert Association

Oregon’s desert is known for its stunning beauty, biological significance, recreational opportunities and cultural value. Much of Oregon’s high desert is publicly-owned land primarily managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). ONDA works with this agency and others every day to ensure that vast swaths of your lands remain wild, open spaces that will be there for future generations to enjoy.
